
touching hand

Definition from Dr Bruce Dewe and Joan Dewe, Founders of International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice:

ICPKP logo“Kinesiology is a communication tool that enables a person to assess and upgrade their performance in all areas of their life. It is the science of energy balancing and is grounded in the study of anatomy and physiology. Kinesiology uses muscles as monitors of stress and imbalance within the body. It enables people to detect and correct various imbalances that may relate to stress, nutrition, learning problems, minor injuries and other issues they meet in their daily life.”

Kinesiology is a powerful, wholistic natural therapy and recognises the importance of body, mind and spirit in health and healing.

Kinesiology recognises that each body has its own unique innate wisdom and intelligence to heal itself and is always doing its best to care for itself, but sometimes needs to be helped into a better position to achieve this care.

Kinesiology recognises the flows of energy within the body not only relate to the muscles but to every tissue and organ that make the body a living and feeling being. These energy flows can be evaluated by testing the function of the muscles, which in turn reflect the body’s overall state of structural, chemical or emotional balance. Corrections applied to the body are non-invasive and the client is fully clothed.

Kinesiology looks beyond symptoms and does not treat named diseases nor does it diagnose them.

Watch a video of Dr Dewe explaining how Professional Kinesiology Practice began:

Private Kinesiology consultations are available for all ages, male or female. The client may wish to work with a Specific Goal in mind OR receive a specific treatment using Kinesiology, for example Holistic Healing, Bodywork, or a Nutritional Balance incorporating sensitivities (also medically known as allergies) testing.

For further information click here to learn more about the Kinesiology Consultation

Begin your journey of positive change – call Li Lin Cheah now on 0424 593 476