Wellness Training
Stress Release Made Easy — the power of choice and change
In this one-day practical hands-on workshop, you will learn:
- What is stress, and how does the body respond to it?
- How to manage stress, recharge your energy and recover more quickly from illness and injury.
- K-Power®’s simple and powerful techniques show you how to recognize the warning signs of stress, tailor stress management approaches, increase tolerance of and resistance to stress and manage stress effectively in everyday life.
- Techniques in this workshop include:
- Emotional stress release (ESR)
- Muscle testing
- Emotions and affirmations
- Alarm points
- Energy meridians
- Breathing and stress management
- Exercise and stress management
- Nutrition for stress management, health, energy and vitality
- Wholefood supplements for stress management, health, energy and vitality
- Long-term stress management
- Humour and stress management
Educational Format
- Guided Experiential Learning: Hear a brief introduction to material and observe a live demonstration of each particular technique or skill.
- Students then work with each other in small groups to experience and learn these new skills.
- Feedback Qs & As and group discussions follow to maximise learning by drawing from each others’ experiences.
Desired Outcomes
- Value-added skills to assist you to move ahead in quantum leaps.
- Facilitate ongoing self-awareness and an expanded understanding of self and others.
- Encourage model of self-responsibility – taking control of one’s life and personal health.
- Empower ongoing personal development and thereby growth and healing for self, family and the community.
This workshop gives you:
- Invaluable life-changing tools that you can use immediately on yourself, your family and friends.
- A Workshop Manual and a Certificate of Completion to certify that you have acquired internationally accredited skills in the use of K-Power® Stress Release techniques.
- A complimentary kinesiology consultation voucher and a bonus wellness gift.
To register your interest, contact us or send us a message below:
Posted by CYS on June 21st, 2013