0424 593 476 info@lilincheah.com
Li Lin Cheah is a Natural Health Practitioner operating in the specialised kinesiology stream of Professional Kinesiology Practice and Holistic Healing.
Prior to your first consultation you will be provided with a health questionnaire to complete and bring with you. This questionnaire requests for basic information about your personal details, medical history and lifestyle patterns. This gives your practitioner a greater insight into the person behind the condition that is being presented.
Download the questionnaire here.
During your first session we discuss your health background and the goal you wish to achieve.
Using the gentle art of muscle testing, which involves light and gentle pushing on specific muscle at a time and does not impose any pain or discomfort to you, energy imbalances and stress levels in your body’s energy systems are assessed and the best neurological priority corrections identified to achieve integrated function and resolutions to the issue(s), bringing you closer to achieving your goal.
You will be fully clothed, without shoes on and either sitting, lying or standing. While each treatment is unique, a standard procedure is followed which can incorporate acupressure massage, light touch, tapping and/or other correction skills which are fully explained to you prior to their application.
Depending on the severity and acuteness of your presenting issue/symptoms a number of consultations may be required. As you are unique and will respond individually to the healing process, the number of sessions may vary.
At the end of a consultation, a program of activities is usually set out to ensure that the results hold from the corrections made during the consultation. The program will differ from client to client.
Example tasks and support strategies may include: